Friday, August 11, 2006

Blogroll additions

Wow, every time I turn around, I see another new soccer blog out there. Really, there is so many excellent soccer blogs out there, I don't have the time to read them all. This is fantastic to see. Anyway, here are some new additions to my blogroll.

Are You Loyal? is devoted to Utah's very own, Real Salt Lake. They are providing the best links concerning the soccer stadium news breaking today.

The American Hooligan is only a week old, but Jason looks to be a site for those wanted a good general overview of the American game.

It's a Simple Game just hums away with news from the US soccer world. In addition, Jeff has a photo of a cat for his profile and us cat as profile people have got to stick together. Honestly, I thought I had this blog on my roll already and am a little embarrassed that it took me so long to link to him.

Continuing on the cat as profile pic vibe, Twohundredpercent gives great insight into the English game along with a writing style that is both informative and fun.

And finally, if you want a blend of soccer, politics, life and just about everything else, The Fisch Fry might just be the best place for you. Fisch, not to be confused with Mr. Fish, has posts on everything from DC-Real to a Reid-Clinton rumor to dealings with his neighbor. You might not agree with everything but it's a good read nonetheless.

Anyway, welcome to the blogerhood.

Don't forget the US Soccer Carnival part IV.


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