Thursday, August 16, 2007

MLS Expansion - Philadelphia stadium bid gets PA governor support

The hope of bringing a MLS club to Philadelphia got a big boost yesterday as Pennsylvania governor and former Philadelphia mayor Ed Rendell gave his support to the $150 mullion proposal.

"We're very supportive of the concept," Rendell said after a news conference at Philadelphia School District headquarters Tuesday. "I think you could transform the city of Chester."

There is no word on what this support might mean in terms of dollars, but State Rep. Dwight Evans says "proposal to provide state funding could be added to the capital budget in September."

Philadelphia is a market the league has wanted to get into for some time so if a stadium deal with the state can be reached, chances are strong the MLS would head in their direction. However, as with any project that requires public monies, the state will need to prove that this is something that will improve the community and is not just a corporate handout.

It will be interesting to see where the politics take this one.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

State Rep. Dwight Evans is the chair of the House Appropiations committee, 100% behind Philly MLS. State Senator Pillegi is the Majority leader, former mayor of Chester and 110% behind Philly MLS.

Its great, ain't it?

7:23 AM  
Blogger Mike H said...

It does seem like a lot of the politics are lining up for this one.

8:29 AM  

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